Game Aids

Activity Tracker - Exploration
Keep an eye on who is doing what during exploration

During exploration scenes it can be handy to have a reminder what everyone in the party is doing. Is anyone scouting? Who is avoiding notice? There is space to place player tokens or write in character names. And when it is time to roll initiative there are helpful reminders of the benefits the player characters receive based on their exploration strategy.
Designed for use with Pathfinder (Second Edition).

Explorer's Log
A player's notebook fow Stars Without Number

The stars await you. But before you set out into the dark of space, ensure you are properly equipped. This Explorer's Log will be your trusted companion as you embark onto the exploration of the sector. Mark newly discovered systems on the star chart and catalogue their planets and space stations. Never be caught out by and old rutter again. The database of known rutters allows you to track known connections between systems as well as their age.
Designed for use with Stars Without Number.

NPC Combat Cards
Make it easier to manage NPCs during combat

This document provides you with a sheet of cards designed to help to track NPC stats and actions during combat. Each card has space to record attribute scores, talents, and skills, as well as equipment. Extra space is provided to record the NPC’s initiative and gear bonuses most relevant to combat.
Designed for use with Forbidden Lands.

Raven's Reckoning
A calendar for Forbidden Lands

Keeping track of time is essential for any group travelling across the Forbidden Lands. This document provides a calendar for the years 1165 - 1171 AS. Each day is subdivided into quarter days and shaded to indicate daylight hours. Also included are sheets with days split into quarter-hours to help tracking time while exploring adventure sites. Timekeeping has never been never easier!
Designed for use with Forbidden Lands.

Ravenland Weather
Keep track of weather conditions during travel

A set of hex flowers intended to help you create weather for your journies that is varied and, hopefully, plausible. There are different weather patterns for different seasons with both weather and wind listed. You may want to track these separately for increased variety or just use the combinations provided to keep things simple
Designed for use with Forbidden Lands.

Ship Station and Combat Cards
Combat trackers and cheat sheets for Stars Without Number

A set of cards to help you track information during ship combat. There is one card for each ship station that collects all relevant details. On the back of each card, you'll find a combat reference for the times when your character gets into trouble off the ship.
Designed for use with Stars Without Number.